The Femme Files: A History of Iconic Women

Anne Boleyn meets Meghan Markle (Controversial Consorts)

Becky Wilde, Ellen Grace & Josie Tipper Season 1 Episode 1

Three girls are finally making use of their history degrees by delving into the lives of two iconic women; one from the past and one from the present day. Our first episode matches two royal consorts who shook up the establishment and boy did they get into trouble. We'll explore their rise to marry their ginger 'H's, falls from grace and we even find time to shoehorn in a codpiece or two. So join us, why don't you, for our crowning episode!

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Young Meghan takes on Proctor & Gamble

Alison Weir, ‘The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn’

The Anne Boleyn Files

The Anne Boleyn Society

Meghan Markle's wedding dress from The Lady and The Unicorn